An award-winning, full-service digital agency that delivers Remarkable Results.

Pay-Per-Click is an online advertising model which maximises the number of visitors that ‘click’ a button to get to your website. It ensures your website appears higher in web searches than your competitors. As it should!

The advertiser pays a small fee to a publisher (e.g., Google, a website owner) for each click.

Pay-Per-Click is probably the most effective digital marketing device around and Inc. Digital Australia understands how to use it to target your audience and increase the number of people who click through to your website. 

More traffic to your website = more sales. Ka-ching!

But wait…there are more benefits. Benefits aplenty, you may even say!

  1. Using demographics, you can target your audience according to such categories as location, age, gender, language etc.
  2. Get results you can see and measure. Keep track of how much return there is on your investment (and laugh all the way to the bank).
  3. Based on your results, you can tweak your campaign to improve the click through rate based on the information you receive.
  4. The increased results can also be seen very quickly after you begin.
  5. Best of all – Pay-Per-Click can lead to higher rankings, which in turn, leads to your business appearing closer to the top of the page in Google searches!


Inc. Digital Australia understands the power of Google Ads for their customers. Talk to one of the team today to see what Google Ads can do for you. You might be surprised!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of Google Ads for our business?

Google Ads offer numerous benefits, mate. With Inc Digital, you get pinpoint targeting, immediate visibility on Google’s search results and partner websites, measurable results, and the flexibility to manage your ad spend according to your budget.

How do we determine the right keywords for a Google Ad campaign?

We’ll find the right keywords for you. Inc Digital conducts in-depth keyword research, considers long-tail keywords, checks out what your competitors are up to, and uses Google’s Keyword Planner tool to identify the best-performing keywords with the right search volumes.

How can different ad campaigns be tailored to suit our brand and goals?

Google Ads supports a range of ad formats, including text ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads. We’ll customise these formats with catchy ad copy, eye-catching visuals, and tailored messaging to match your brand and achieve your objectives.

How do you track and evaluate the success of our Google ad campaigns?

We keep a close eye on your success, mate. With tools like Google Ads reporting, Google Analytics, and other analytics platforms, we monitor metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, return on ad spend (ROAS), and the generation of leads or sales to gauge how well your campaign’s performing.

What strategies do you implement to maximise return on investment?

We’re on it! We continually tweak bidding strategies to match your campaign goals, run tests on different ad variations to find the top performers, use negative keywords to reduce unwanted clicks, and refine audience targeting based on performance data.

How can you ensure our Google Ads campaigns comply with Google's policies?

No worries! We stay on top of Google’s advertising policies and guidelines, mate. Inc Digital regularly reviews and adjusts your ad content to keep it compliant, handles any ad disapprovals promptly, and keeps your account in good standing, so there are no issues to worry about.